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Intuit Website Services Homepage

As a Sr. Visual Designer for Intuit Website Services business unit I acted as the communication bridge between multiple teams to under stand new user acquisition and on-boarding funnel. I learned the value of staying close to the customer and designing experiences that delight users. I designed SEO templates which resulted in a 17% increase in paying customers.


Around 80% users come directly to the Intuit website services home page and 20% come from I.com or other Small business group properties. The goal is to increase traffic to the homepage and result in more user signups. 


Small businesses owners who don’t have a website or are unhappy with their current online presence and are searching on “free” keywords

proposed hypothesis: 

We would like to test a new homepage designed from consumers’ perspective to help consumers easily match our product offerings with their online presence needs. We think this new home page will induce higher interest in signing up for Intuit website services products.

Success Metrics:

Increase sign-ups by 6x

What we leartn:

  • Up level features instead of hiding it in the tabs
  • Bring more visibility to the video as there was an increase in the number of click
  • Remove the carousel as users only clicked the first hero banner
  • Add a free package line up which will engage users to sign up and try the product

Google flow: Engage users through the free funnel


We would like to test a new free offering against our control and the GABO offering. Our goal is that this new free offering drives equal or more sign ups than control and the GABO offering. We will also monitor MRR.


We would like to test a new "package page" designed from consumers perspective to help easily match our products offerings with their online presence needs. New free offering drives equal or more sign ups than control and the GABO offering. 

project Goals:

  1. Visual Matrix of all the packages on one screen
  2. Icon representation of what each package consists of
  3. Moved pricing for each plan to the top with the package name. This creates a visual hierarchy for the user buying the package.
  4. Tooltips to describe each icon within a package. 
  5. Visually treating the icon panel and business package with the same background style, highlights the most popular & recommended package.

SEO landing page template


As a marketer for Grow Your Business, we would like to create landing pages that host a hero image with SEO heavy content to drive more traffic to the Intuit website and increase sign-ups.

Success Metrics: 

  • Create & launch new web pages to be targets for Search Engine Optimization
  • Fast Time-To-Market
  • Optimize for conversion later (when traffic begins to build to page)

Template Details

  • H1 content
  • Bullets points for the hero section
  • Hero Image
  • One call to action for landing page
  • H2 content
  • H3 content
  • Paragraph text


17% increase in revenue from free to paying customers