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Replicon Mobile App Time Tracking (iOS)

App is used by anyone who needs to capture their critical time and expense data.


Project Background

The mobile enterprise was a huge focus for Replicon last year. Replicon partnered with Apple as part of the Apple mobility partner program an exclusive ecosystem of enterprise technology. As a result of this partnership we redesigned a user friendly native iOS 8 mobile app for Replicon users that delighted users by adding GPS time tracking, photo capture, dashboards and data visualization of tracked time and providing a rich user experience within enterprise space. 

As product lead, I spearheaded the user experience and UX strategy on IOS and web app, collaboratively with a team. Leading design sprints, Art direction, Responsible for Brand consistency, provide product knowledge to other designers.  

Target Audience

The mobile app is used across thousands of businesses worldwide—from a mid-sized business with a significant portion of field-based staff to a global professional services firm with a mix of full-time and hourly consultants working across multiple locations and time zones.


Replicon mobile app was under performing, Employees had to take multiple steps to complete a task. On the other hand businesses need proof that employees themselves are logging in accurate hours when in the field so that supervisors can approve their time and avoid fraudulent logins. 


We tested this project with 5 customers from the user community and simplified item submissions and approvals on schedule, for many users. 

I led design sprints to define a location based time tracking experience for employees and supervisors. 

Success Metrics

Our emphasis on delivering iOS-based business applications which will give customers the tools to capture, manage and optimize how they spend their time, to drive significant value to the organization. 


proposed hypothesis: 

  • The user taps to Clock In, Go on break and Out for the day.

  • We want to test a new user flow, GPS-location tracking and photo capture to detect and identify employees when they walk in and out of work locations for accurate calculation of time. 

  • Along with this work flow we built a supervisor dashboard that provides productivity insights about the entire team.

  • Provide additional flows to capture time even when the mobile device is offline

Each hypothesis was further broken down into week long design/engineering sprints. 

Design Goals:

Simplify with color. Color helps the user build a consistent language around the app. We used green to indicate affirmative action of "Clocking In". When the user went on a "Break" we used yellow to indicate pausing work. 

Employee Clocks In  


Supervisor view employees current status  

Supervisor dashboard provide insights about where employee hours are going, and how to improve efficiencies across every facet of the business.

Mobile Dashboard

Web Dashboard for Supervisor 

Web Dashboard

Web Dashboard